Saturday, November 19, 2011

Image processing


The last couple of days I have been working in a set of utilities for manipulating images. I have done functions for read, write, modify and view them. I have worked with PPM images [1]. I know they are too expensive, but also have a very easy syntax.

I started working with this because a partner told me about how to encrypt an image and give it to two folks, while no one can know the original image, but together can solve it.

I don't know if having control over PPM images is useful for someone else. I'm thinking about if it has worth to upload this work to Hackage [2]. I saw a couple of packages about the same issue, but I actually don't like none of them.

PPM as data

First at all, we need a data structure where store our PPM images. In a first try, I decided to use an Array [3] of RGB values. I changed my idea when I realize that modifying an Array is expensive (maybe, I am wrong here, can somebody confirm it?). A mutable array [4] was not an option, because I wanted to keep pure my code. Then, I shifted to Map [5]. Actually, this was a bit arbitrary, but after testing it, I moved again to IntMap [6]. IntMap is far more efficient than Map, and make unions very fast! Then, I decided to use unions for operations between PPM images, and the current implementation is built on top of an IntMap.

I wanted to make a simple interface, so my basic operations were:

getPixelUnsafe :: PPM -> Int -> Int -> RGB
putPixelUnsafe :: PPM -> Int -> Int -> RGB -> PPM

With this couple of functions it might be easy to implement almost every functionality we want to have, keeping the PPM type absctract. Anyway, I will sometimes re-use methods of the IntMap to make the library faster. I tagged these functions as "unsafe", because if the coordinates of the requested pixel are out of range of the PPM image, they will cause problems. We will use them only in contexts where we are sure that the coordinates are valid.

So, the first and base library provides a pure interface for create and manipulate PPM images, and a pair parser/render of PPM images. As an example:

createPPM :: Int -> Int -> RGB -> PPM

?> renderFilePPM "black.ppm" $ createPPM 100 100 0

This call creates a black 100x100 PPM image. As you can see, RGB values are an instance of Num. In the example, fromInteger 0 = RGB 0 0 0. Moreover, abs acts like id, negate calculates the inverse color and signum turns a color into the grayscale.

PPM image viewer

The next tool I created was a PPM image viewer. I used GTK [7] to create the GUI. This step was very easy. After parsing a file, we just get the RGB value in each pixel and, using Cairo [8], print it in a drawing area. The code of the renderer is short so I will post it here:

module PPMViewer.Render (
 ) where

import Graphics.Rendering.Cairo
import Codec.Image.PPM

ppmRender :: PPM -> Render ()
ppmRender ppm = do
 let w = getWidth ppm
     h = getHeight ppm
  [ do let rgb = getPixelUnsafe ppm x y
           r   = fromIntegral (rgbRed   rgb) / 255
           g   = fromIntegral (rgbGreen rgb) / 255
           b   = fromIntegral (rgbBlue  rgb) / 255
       setSourceRGB r g b
       rectangle (fromIntegral x) (fromIntegral y) 1 1
    | x <- [ 1 .. w ] , y <- [ 1 .. h ] ]

I felt a bit odd using rectangles to print pixels. Is there another option? I don't know too much about Cairo, so if anyone knows a better implementation, I will be very glad to know it.

PPM image converter

Yes, we now have an interface that in theory can create any image, but creating a whole image pixel by pixel is non-viable! This is why I created the next tool: a PPM image converter from other formats (PNG, JPG, whatever). I used here again GTK, and since it has functions that read image files and turn them to Pixbufs, my solution was to create a function that transform a Pixbuf into a PPM data. Here is the code:

module PPMConverter.Pixbuf (
 ) where

import Graphics.UI.Gtk
import Data.Array.MArray (readArray)
import Codec.Image.PPM
import Codec.Image.PPM.Internal
import Control.Applicative
import Data.Word (Word8)
import qualified Data.IntMap as Map

pixbufPPM :: Pixbuf -> IO PPM
pixbufPPM pb = do
 n <- pixbufGetNChannels pb
 w <- pixbufGetWidth     pb
 h <- pixbufGetHeight    pb
 r <- pixbufGetRowstride pb
 arr <- (pixbufGetPixels pb :: IO (PixbufData Int Word8))
 let xs :: [IO (Int,RGB)]
     xs = [ do let getp :: Int -> IO Int
                   getp = fmap fromIntegral . readArray arr
               r <- getp p
               g <- getp $ p + 1
               b <- getp $ p + 2
               return (pixelToInt w x y , RGB r g b)
                 | x <- [ 1 .. w ]
                 , y <- [ 1 .. h ]
                 , let p = (y-1) * r + (x-1) * n ]
 a <- foldl (\r x -> liftA2 (uncurry Map.insert) x r) (pure Map.empty) xs
 return $ PPM w h a

I guess this admits a lot of improvements. Indeed, I getting space problems with this function for big images.

The encryption algorithm

Now, let's see a working example of these tools: the encryption algorithm motivated by the problem introduced at the beginning of this text. As a first step, we convert a PNG file with the PPM converter:

Left: the original PNG image. Right: the PPM image output.

Albatross are so cute! Well... now we save the file wherever you want. We can see it with the PPM viewer:

The PPM Viewer

It's time to encrypt this image. The first step is to create a random image of the same size of the original. Then, sum pixel by pixel and coordinate by coordinate (module 255) both images. The random and sum images form the two pieces of the puzzle. If we subtract one from the another we will get the original image!

But, what happens if we do the operation backwards?

Scary! But we have obtained the negative of the original image.

Operations between pixels are of trivial implementation using this library. And are very fast because they use union of IntMap, which are indeed very fast!


This is a sample of images (PPM here) implemented in Haskell. It was an interesting (and funny) exercise for me. If you are interested in have this functionality available publicy, make me know it.

Thanks for read,
Daniel Díaz.


[1] The PPM image format:
[2] Hackage:
[3] Arrays:
[4] Mutable arrays:
[5] Maps:
[6] IntMaps:
[7] GTK library:
[8] Cairo library:

Monday, November 7, 2011

HATEX pragma

Before start growing the HaTeX project with more features and modules, I decided to add a new feature: the HATEX pragma.

What problem this solves?

This pragma will save of modifying HaTeX-meta each time a new module is added or deleted from HaTeX. Until today, HaTeX-meta had a fix list of modules that it will process to generate the analogous .Monad modules, and each time a module is added or deleted from HaTeX, you needed to add (or delete) its module name in the HaTeX-meta code. I saw this too short-sighted, so I made a change.

How it is solved?

The solution was to order to HaTeX-meta to search HaTeX modules which have the MakeMonadic option in a HATEX pragma. This pragma looks like this:

{-# OPTIONS_HATEX MakeMonadic #-}

HaTeX-meta follows the next steps:
  1. Parse the HaTeX.cabal package description.
  2. Look for the exposed modules.
  3. Parse all modules and filter those with the MakeMonadic option enabled.
  4. Process them to create the .Monad modules, skipping the MakeMonadic option in the output (so in the next run of HaTeX-meta it will not process a .Monad module).
See the code of HaTeX-meta here.


I hope this will make easier future changes in HaTeX and avoid updates of HaTeX-meta with changes not directly related with it. Also, I think this will be handy to developers interested in add a new module to HaTeX to, for example, implement some new LaTeX package.
Thanks for read,
Daniel Díaz.